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Bienvenido a la sala “Homo sapiens Online”

En esta sala encuentras una exhibición educativa y científica que además de enseñar y sensibilizar sobre las diversas características anatómicas del cuerpo humano, busca promover la importancia de cuidarlo. Además, en esta sala podrás apreciar en detalle el funcionamiento de algunos órganos gracias a la explicación de algunas estudiantes. Y es que los humanos nos acostumbramos a acciones como caminar, subir escalas, estirar su cuerpo al despertar, mover la boca en la gesticulación o comunicarse mediante el movimiento de otras partes de su cara, lo que no interiorizamos a diario es información como cuál es la función que cumple cada una de las partes que poseen, cuándo y cómo se utilizan los más de 600 músculos, los 206 huesos o los 21 órganos de su cuerpo.

Finalmente, esta exposición fue creada toda la comunidad educativa, para quienes desean conocer y se permitan sorprender con las maravillas del cuerpo humano.

Welcome to the Homo Sapiens Online room

In this room you find an educative and scientific exhibition that besides of teaching and sensitize about the different anatomical characteristics of the human body, seeks to promote the importance of taking care of it. Also, in this room you will appreciate the detail of some organs functioning, thanks to some students’ explanations. And, is that humans got used to develop actions such as walking, climbing stairs, stretching the body when you wake up, move your mouth to gesticulate or communicate through the movement of other face parts, what we do not interiorize daily is the information like which function do each part that the body possess, when and how around 600 muscles, 206 bones and 21 organs of our body are used.

Finally, this exposition was created for all the school body, to the people that wish to know and allow themselves to get surprised by the wonders of the human body.


Welcome to the Homo Sapiens Online room

In this room you find an educative and scientific exhibition that besides of teaching and sensitize about the different anatomical characteristics of the human body, seeks to promote the importance of taking care of it. Also, in this room you will appreciate the detail of some organs functioning, thanks to some students’ explanations. And, is that humans got used to develop actions such as walking, climbing stairs, stretching the body when you wake up, move your mouth to gesticulate or communicate through the movement of other face parts, what we do not interiorize daily is the information like which function do each part that the body possess, when and how around 600 muscles, 206 bones and 21 organs of our body are used.

Finally, this exposition was created for all the school body, to the people that wish to know and allow themselves to get surprised by the wonders of the human body.

Activa el audio 

Escoge un tema de interés y navega por el Museo 
El cuerpo humano 
Ancla 1
El sentido del gusto 
Ancla 2
Sistemas del cuerpo
Ancla 3
Los sistemas 
Sistemas del cuerpo humano 7B
Sistemas del cuerpo humano 7A
El ojo
Ancla 7
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